Archivo de la categoría: Nuestro exilio



A Pecha Kucha talk.. donde distintas personalidades de la ciudad de Austin hacen una  presentació 20 imágenes con comentarios de 20 segundos por imagen. Como Alex Marrero Guaty, es músico le agregó música e hizo una historia.​ Nuestra historia. Nuestro exilio fue un exilio en busca de la libertad que se nos negaba en Cuba, estas son palabras de un hijo de exiliados Cubanos. Viene muy bien reproducirlas en un día como hoy..

Darden pública las palabras de Alex agregándolas a comentarios sobre el 4 de julio. Estas son palabras de un hijo del exilio, orgulloso del sacrificio de sus padres y de la libertad que este sacrificio le proporciono a el y a sus hermanos. Gracias Darden por reproducirlas. Gracias Darden

My friend Alex Marrero, the badass drummer / singer / guitar player / voice over artist, gave a great Pecha Kucha talk here in Austin a couple of weeks ago. I’m going to do my best to summarize it here for your Independence Day reading (Non-US readers, just go along with us…).

In 1962, Alex’s parents left Cuba because they wanted freedom.
Freedom for themselves, freedom for their children.
They left all that they knew behind so that they and their kids might have the opportunity to make the choice of how and why they spent their days, how their children moved through the world.

Think about that for a moment:
They left everything, and started over, for freedom.

They landed in Virginia, and it was weird.
Talk about culture shock…It snowed there.
They became citizens.
Then the family moved again, to Mexico City, where Alex grew up.
They started over, again.
In his twenties, Alex moved to Austin.
To play music.
He’s Cuban, grew up in Mexico, lives in America.

Alex’s says that when he was a kid, his parents made them read the Spanish AND English language newspapers. He insisted that they be bilingual. Alex understood what they were doing, but only later did he appreciate that what they were doing was giving him one more chance at freedom — freedom to navigate a bigger world, to be who he is without restriction.
Freedom to choose.

All the dislocation his parents went through, all they put their kids through, was in pursuit of a very simple concept — the ability to have some say over the way you live your life.

Alex told us that because his parents had the guts to leave everything behind, he now has the freedom to play music (which is a bit of a ball and chain in itself, but let’s don’t go there).

If you’re in the US, you have certain freedom.
It’s not perfect, it may not be all glory and silver linings,
But you do have the ability to make choices.
It’s possible to change direction.

So, on this Independence Day
Think about what the people who came before you, your family,
Your bloodline went through so that you have this luxury.
What did they give up, leave behind, overcome,
So that you can have these freedoms, big and small?

Freedom of choice.

Alex told us his story that night, looked us all in the eye, and asked us, as I’ll ask you on this July 4th:

What are you choosing to do with your freedom?

MGuatyMarrero para Cjaronu

How I left Cuba and came to the USA

  José Raúl Montes Facebook

José Raúl Montes Facebook

Author: José Raúl Montes

On a day like today 52 years ago my brother Carlos Enrique, who was 4 -3/4 years old, and I, who was 14, arrived in this country via Operation Pedro Pan. We left our hometown of Güines, Cuba about 9 am in the morning, never to see our dwelling ever again.

We flew to Miami in the afternoon Pan Am flight, – 2nd and last flight of the day, stepping on the Miami International Tarmac about 7:20pm. My maternal uncle Rafael Sorí picked us and took us to my paternal uncle’s house Pablo Montes, 1385 N.W. 28 St, arriving there around 9pm.

It was a day of mixed emotions, seeing my parents through the fishbowl type glass enclosure at Rancho Boyeros airport and yet not able to talk to them and keeping my young brother entertained. I am now a retired high school math teacher but in my 22 years as an educator no student ever asked as tough of a question as my young brother did that night just before we went to bed at our new residence in Miami. I was not prepared for it and no one prepared me for the question: ¿Donde esta Mami? Where’s Mommy? All I could do was play with him as I did not have an appropriate answer.

Nevertheless I am extremely grateful and thankful to my parents for their wisdom and their courage to send my brother and I to this great country. I will always be proud and appreciative for the great opportunities, the freedom this country has given me and my family. I also thank the Pedro Pan Operation, as well as the catholic institutions, the American people and the US government that made it possible for the freedom that my brother and I now enjoy and that once was robbed by a communistic regime.

Published by MGuatyMarrero for Cjaronu